Goals without end.

In our society today we are ‘world-view’ focused. It is a time when identity has become our every waking moment. This is especially true for the youth. Youth are either searching for it, finding and losing it, and replacing it, but never really understanding it. Part of the reason surrounding a confusion over one’s identity is due to perspective. For everyone, including youth, identity can be how you see yourself, how you measure yourself to others, your self-worth, your actions, your wealth or status, your education, your culture, your career choices, by who you associate with, your family and/or friends.

Our perspective is taken from only one angle. We are looking from side by side and all around us but never up. We judge our identity by how the world dictates to us, rarely do we decide on our own. Our identity does not have to be a state of confusion. Our identity is quite simple. We belong to God. We are children of God. We should only have one goal in mind this lent. That goal should not end in a week as we approach Easter day but continue on for the rest of our lives.

That goal should be to stop struggling. Give up our resistance and let God take control. Giving up on yourself so that you can let God into your life. The only way to find the light is by letting God in. As you allow God to take control it also means trusting God to guide you. It doesn’t mean you won’t have struggles and challenges in your life, I am living proof, but it means you have the courage and strength knowing you can release all of that worry and stress into God’s hands. When we focus on all of our life’s challenges we have so much to worry about leading us down a path of perpetual daily stress. We cannot heal in our lives living in this way. It will drive us further into a dark abyss of confusion, anxiety, stress, and sickness. How can we heal and live a happy, healthy balanced life, even with our challenges of illness and daily struggles?

Remember Jesus gave up His life for us. Crucified and died on the cross for us to conquer sin and death. This is God’s unconditional love for us. Fill your days with what is important to you. Even a thought, a prayer, time to reflect on your wonderful creativity or beautiful thoughts. You are not meant to live a life of hopelessness or misery every day. God doesn’t want that for you. Let God take the burdens, the worries, the stress and let the Holy Spirit be active within you, knowing you are a child of God and He loves you unconditionally.

To work towards a permanent goal without end we need to let go of our independence, and control. A central message from my newly released book “Finding Life in Forty Days”. My book is also available now via my website or my amazon author page. For autographed copies or for my signature bookmarks order from my Square store.  I talk about creating life goals, learning about your identity – the one that really matters and trusting God to guide you to the potential fullness in your life. My book will be a blessing to anyone who may be experiencing some form of suffering: like anxiety, worry, stress, illness, grief, pain from failure, rejections, the list goes on. Anyone who has been a victim of bullying, felt the sting and pain from jealousy, envy, greed, and power. These types of suffering are dark shadows that steal our time. All the forms of evil that can destroy your soul. 

The heart bookmark is connected to my latest book, "Finding Life in Forty Days". The heart represents our heart and the importance of healing. The heart also represents the unconditional love Jesus has for us in dying for our sins.